The Role of Law in Sustainable Development (Case Study of Judicial Security Based on Illegal Detention)

Document Type : Original Article


Assitant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Tehran Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)



Sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present generation without harming the needs of future generations. It has several indicators. One of the main indicators of sustainable development is security. On the other hand, the law means binding rules and regulations imposed by the competent authority. These are the goals whose most important goal is to create security for the citizens. Therefore, law and sustainable development are linked in the concept of security and security is their interface so that the level of security is directly related to the law and the law is effective in sustainable development by creating security, which is the turning point of the two categories. It has different dimensions and one of the most important dimensions is judicial security, which provides justice in society and creates trust and peace among citizens. In this study, while examining the role and effect of law in sustainable development, one of the most basic components of judicial security, namely the prohibition of illegal detention in order to establish sustainable development in various levels of international instruments, foreign and domestic law has been investigated.
